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Staying Motivated: 4 Tips For Lasting Fitness

If you visit Lazar Angelov's Facebook profile, you'll see that staying motivated to be the best you can be—to press on and achieve more when it comes to personal fitness—is a subject dear to Lazar's heart. Too many people start strong when it comes to trying to achieve their fitness goals and then, as the demands of daily life pile up and their exercise routine begins to feel like a monotonous chore, they lose momentum. To prevent this from occurring, you should:

1. Set realistic goals. Start with small steps and then build up to more ambitious goals as your fitness level progresses.

2. Vary your workout routine. Doing the exact same activities day in and day out is almost certain to lead to boredom, so try to change your fitness plan around every few weeks; you'll also work out a wider range of muscles this way.

3. Get social. Interact with other people who are trying to get—and stay—fit so that they can help motivate you to keep going. It's also a good idea to work with a fitness coach.

4. Do your research. Many people get frustrated when trying to achieve fitness goals like perfect 6-pack abs because they unwittingly take the wrong approach and wind up believing popular fitness myths (e.g. that crunches are all it takes to get a 6-pack). If you want to stay motivated over the course of your fitness journey, you should therefore consult resources on proper exercise techniques, such as Lazar's book, ABS: The Secret Revealed.


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