
Showing posts from November, 2015

Outfit on point! Thanks for this @engjiandy

Lazar: 4invictus lifestyle!

Slots now open at LA Fitness Academy!

LA Fitness Academy Testimonials

Lazar Angelov's Fitness Academy just launched!

Teammate of the Day is Valentin Aldea! Nice work bro!

Лазар Ангелов: Интервью и программы

GymRa - Advanced Total Abs Workout

Lazar Angelov Gallery 2015: The Best Gym Workouts For Abs

Rare Photos of Lazar's Smile

Come Back Stronger

Abs Workout at Home. Effective Exercises without Equipment

Preparing for my sunday cardio session

Lazar: I love my fans! Thanks @t.jassar

Cezar after reading my e-book "ABS: The Secret Revealed"!

Lazar's Selfie Photo

Angelov Lazar - 2 octomber 2012

ABS and CORE Workout - Effective Exercises & Routine

EAST MODE Transformation of Ted Sandiford

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